jueves, 21 de enero de 2016

New endings for The Lady in White

And now John sat in his car in the village for the third night. It was a wet night and the car, which had been warm after his journey, was now getting cold. The inside of the car windows was wet from his breath and it was getting difficult to see anything clearly though them. He cleaned the window with the arm of his jacket...

A - The handle of the car moved and then John opened the window. Then she bent her body slowly. 'Hi John. This is your third night here. What do you want this time, baby?,' she said winking at him. 'Oh, Celeste! You scared me!'
(J - G - J)
B - He shook his head, blew his nose and cleaned the windows with his hands to be able to see through them. He was still pretty drunk. But then he had to open and close his eyes twice. He couldn't believe it. He was at the town's police station!
(M - M - M - C)
C - He finally decided to come back home. When he was driving back Rachel suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. John could hardly breathe. He couldn't believe Rachel was there. Rachel told him: 'Come with me.' John went towards her slowly. He just wanted to touch her, he wanted to be with her. Then Rachel lifted her hand and stabbed him on his heart.
(Y - C - F)

D - After three days waiting for the lady in white, he finally found her. When he saw her walking alone on the road, he wondered if he should call home to verify that everything was right. Suddenly the woman appeared next to him outside the car. When she turned her head to face him, John realized she was his wife, Rachel. He was so afraid that he couldn't say a word. Finally Rachel said: 'Don't call home. Come with us.'
(E - E - A - R)
E - Suddenly John saw the lady in white. Her face was Rachel's face. John was really frightened. Without thinking he put his feet on the accelerator and knocked her down. He got out of the car shaking and he saw his dead wife lying on the road. This moment Rachel's mobile rang. When he answered he heard Jenny's. She said: 'Rachel, Rachel, where are you?' John didn't understand anything. 'What's happened?,' he cried.
Jenny and Rachel had acted in complicity because both of them wanted to make a real horror story for John.
(E - I - P - C)
F - He looked back and then heard a crash. The back window broke into pieces and in a moment he saw the lady in white near him. He could see her face, she was Rachel. After that everything was dark. They were in the same place where they had met at the beginning and he knew all was a bad dream, a nightmare.
(I - E - C)
G - The ghost was a true lady. She was born in the town and she was the mayor's daughter and she was an actress. Her father, the mayor of the town and the policeman had invented the story because they wanted the town to be famous. They knew very well John and his programmes and they just wanted to be on TV.
(G - L - S - M)

Thank you for your participation. As you can see, we have of kinds of endings, from dramatic to really peculiar ones.

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