martes, 17 de febrero de 2015

March exam - Oral topics

The oral exam will be in pairs.

Student A talks about one of the topics on the list for 2 – 3 minutes

Student B asks 3 or 4 INTERESTING questions about what their partner said.

Then they exchange roles.

These are the topics we have seen in class. They are all based on the files in the book.

1.     Food and cooking
2.     Family life
3.     A person you admire
4.     Money
5.     Changing life
6.     Transport
7.     Stereotypes: men and women
8.     Failure & success
9.     Manners
10.    Sport
11.     Love

Try to make pairs as soon as possible and prepare together the topics. In this way your oral exam will be much easier. 

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