miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

NI1 Pronunciation tips. The letter 'o'


The letter o has several different possible pronunciations.

There are some spelling-pronunciation rules:

- o + one consonant + e is usually /əʊ/

e.g. hope, alone, phone

But there are some common words which have the /Ʌ / sound: some, money

- o between two or several consonants is often /O/

e.g. sorry, follow

Exception:  worry  /Ʌ /

- the letters ol and oa between consonants are usually /əʊ/

e.g. old, gold, road

- the letters or between consonants are usually /Ͻ:/

e.g. airport,

Exceptions:  work, world /ɜ:/

Use the dictionary to check when you aren't sure!

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