miércoles, 14 de mayo de 2014

Countable & Uncountable Nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns
·   You use nouns to name things. 

Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns

You can count these.
There are singular and plural forms

   one cat , two cats
   one student,  ten students

You can’t count these.
There is only one form.

rice, milk, water, sugar, furniture, weather, information

You use single and plural verbs.

The lesson starts at 9.30.
The lessons start at 9.30.

You always use a singular verb.

There is no furniture in there.

You can use a or an in singular.
an envelope, a letter
You can use some or any in plural.
There are some chairs,
There aren't any chairs.
Are there any chairs?

You cannot use a or an in front of them.
You can use some or any
Bread, wine, rice, luggage
There's some bread.
There isn't any rice
Do you have any luggage?

How many bananas are there left?
= ¿Cuántos/as?

There are a lot of /many cups here
There aren't many cups.
Are there many cups here?

How much oil is there in the bottle?
= ¿Cuánto/a?

There’s a lot of sugar in the bowl.
There isn't much sugar.
Is there much sugar?

You can use not many and a few
= no muchos, pocos.

There are a few people waiting for the bus.
There aren’t many people here today.

You can use not much and a little
= no mucho, poco.

There is a little sugar left.

There is not much flour left.

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Countable & Uncountable nouns

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