miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Some work for the summer

I'm going to post here little by little some materials for you to review the September exam. I hope that you find them useful.
There are some exercises first and then you have the key.

Remember: first do the exercises and then check with the key!

Sentence transformation + - ?


sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

September Oral exams

Dear students, as you probably already know, we have reduced a bit the oral exams for September.
I put here the link to the new version. The topics are the same, but we have "eliminated" some of them because there were too many.
Print them again and make sure you prepare them along the summer and find someone to practise with. It's really important for you to TALK, not only write and "imagine" you are talking.

Click here to get the September version

September oral exam NB1

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013


Dear students,

Yesterday we had a really nice dinner in La Bodega, a restaurant in Europolis with the group on Monday and Wednesday. We had a really good time and talked about life, family, anecdotes during the course and how lucky you are to have such a nice group. We missed tha ones who couldn't go but we'll meet again in October with the new course.

I'm going to miss you all, our celebrations with chocolate, your sense of humour, your nerves, your smiles and especially Ana's tortillas and all sorts of delicatessen she prepared for us (including her tablecloth for the teacher's desk and the beautiful decoration).  I'm also sure that if you have to celebrate a birthday during the summer, you'll remember the chocolate we had in our class.

You have worked really hard this year and I'd like to say 'congratulations' for your excellent results.
I know some of you love so much the English language that you have decided to come back in September. No problem! I'll be waiting for you. Remember that you only have to do the part you failed in June. And I'll also post here some exercises to help you study a bit, and the new version of the oral exams: the same topics, but reduced!

Anyway, I have really enjoyed teaching both groups and now I can just wish you a really nice and happy summer.


martes, 11 de junio de 2013

The end of the course

We had a really nice end of course celebration in the last class with the group on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our artist Felipe made a beautiful and delicious chocolate cake to celebrate that summer is already here. We even had to eat our photographs made of chocolate! It was a very difficult moment for us "to eat ourselves" but we did it!  Here you can see the cake, which doesn't exist any more.

Thank you very much, Felipe!

And we also had a great time in the barbecue at Lourdes's house. Thanks a lot, Lourdes for your hospitality. Everything was delicious! By the way, any Spanish omelette left, Raquel? Can I have some more, please?

I really enjoyed the video Nieves prepared with the photographs of the group along the course. Thank you very much, Nieves!

There are a lot of good moments to remember and also sad moments we will never forget; but we had a great time together. It has been a pleasure to be your teacher.

Have a nice summer of all you. I'll try to post some extra-work on the blog for those who decided to do the exam again in September. Leave some comments if you want to tell me something.

Be good and enjoy your summer!