viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Past perfect

After reading your narrative and the last quizz done in class, I have the impression that you need a bit more practice with the past perfect.
I attach here the extra exercises I gave you yesterday and the key. I hope you don't find it difficult.

Past perfect exercises
Past perfect_key

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

Past Passive

And here you have the exercises and the key of the last little photocopy to practise the past passive.

Past passive. Exercises & key

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2015

Passive voice

Here you have the exercises we did in the last class with the key. You also have the key to the exercises you have in the photocopy I asked you to do next. Check if you did it correctly.

Passive voice exercises

Resultado de imagen de passive voice verbs

Resultado de imagen de passive voice verbs

martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

She collapses after every race. But when I found out why, it broke me

You will learn a lot watching this story of spirit of achievement and fight against illness. Watch it all the way through.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2015



1.       usually cycle
2.       works
3.       don't live
4.       used to dream
5.       didn't use to eat
6.       (usually) cook
7.       Used to live
8.       (usually) stay
9.       Didn't use to play
10.   Doesn't ride
11.   wear
12.   Used to be
13.   (usually) stay in
14.   Used to have


1.       Met
2.       Felt
3.       Became
4.       Got on
5.       Were
6.       Lost touch
7.       Left
8.       Got in touch


1.      Three
2.      Something
3.      Travel
4.      My
5.      The
6.      You
7.      Earned
8.      A
9.      For
10.  Have
11.  To
12.  With
13.  Doing

14.      Been

15.      Often

16.      Full-time
17.      Qualifications
18.      As
19.      Make
20.      An