martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

KEY to the last part of the REVIEW

This is the key for the exercise of sentence transformation that you have in the photocopies that I gave you in the last class. In some cases there are some possibilities, and all of them are all right as long as they are grammatically correct and make sense.

If you have any problem with the correction, leave a comment here and I'll try to answer as soon as possible.

Key to NB1 review

I have included the key for all the exercises as some of you couldn't do it in class.

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Oral exam: missing parts

Dear students,

Here I attach the situations you prepared for the exam in March. Remember that they are also included in the final exam.
And apparently there was a problem with the other document and one of the situations was missing: topic 11 for the interaction: likes and lislikes.

Make sure you print all the situations to prepare them for the final exam.

Sorry for the inconveniences and I hope there isn't any problem now.

Individual topics_part_1 and topic 11    

miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013


Dear students,

I insert here the individual topics that you have to prepare for the oral exam and also the new situations or dialogues to do in pairs.

Remember that the topics we gave you in March are also included, but the situations you did in pairs in March are NOT included now, only the new ones.

We'll go through them in class, so I recommend you to print the document before.

Oral situations June 2013

Table of irregular verbs

Thanks to Eduardo, you can see another way to study the irregular verbs. You have many more verbs than you have to study this year, but you will be able to use the table also in the future.

Click here to see the table

Table of irregular verbs (classified)

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Draw the plan of your house or flat

Here you have a couple of examples of the plan of a house. Now draw the plan of your own house or flat to show it to your classmates.

Now choose one of the rooms and describe the furniture in it.


jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Test unit 7

As I promised, I leave you here the link to the test for unit 7. Today you have only the test. You'll have the 'key' with the answers soon.

Make sure you study File 7 complete before doing the test.
Good luck!

Test File 7 English File 3E

 And now the answer key:

Test file 7 KEY

Types of houses

Which is your favourite?


miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Irregular verbs

Dear students,

the link to the pronunciation of the irregular verbs didn't work yesterday, but it works now.
Click on the link and then on 'download'. Then you can simply open it and listen to the verbs.
Don't forget that it's interesting to LISTEN and REPEAT.

Irregular verbs - pronunciation

Have a nice and loooong weekend!